Troat pain is one of the most common symptoms, sore throats are
divided into types
- Pharyngitis affects the area right behind the mouth.
- Tonsillitis is swelling and redness of the tonsils, the soft tissue in the back of the mouth.
- Laryngitis is swelling and redness of the voice box, or larynx.
A sore throat can feel:
- scratchy
- burning
- raw
- dry
- tender
- irritated
also food and drinks areĀ factor for throat infection
for better throat you may have warm, cooked vegetables, milk, boiled eggs, soups foods
you may avoid Spicy food, cold-drinks, acidic fruits for betterĀ throat. the most effective way to relieve your sore throat is by gargling with warm water and salt. for details please check the
video in YouTube